you know. i'm totally thankful for my man's manly body.
as i was hugging him yesterday, i thought about how grateful i am that he isn't skinnier than i am.
because nothing is more depressing than that.
even though jeremy did put on one of my belts a few weeks ago- i brushed it off (although secretly cussing him out on the inside).
jeremy and i are both NORMAL sized people.
not too skinny.
not too fat. just there.
we like to workout, eat healthy and enjoye a class of wine or sweet tea on the regular.
i was brought back to my college days of dating.
this one time i dated a super skinny guy.
like way skinny.
so skinny that when i wrapped my arms around him in a hug, they would wrap around his body then reach back and slap my own back.
and THAT is just too skinny....
SO i'm sending all of you normal sized people a blogger high five.
eat, be normal, be happy. Life is just too short to be too skinny.

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