I am a firm believer that every day you should do a little something that makes you smile. If I am happy there is more of me to give to my family and others. But, sometimes, in an effort to do things that make me smile I fall into a rut. Am I the only person who does this? Let me give you a personal example. I find it very easy to decorate the more public areas of my home. That makes me smile. But, every morning I wake up in a cluttered bedroom. In my rut I think nothing of this---my thoughts are, "I spend most of my time in that room with my eyes closed, so it doesn't matter." But in reality it DOES matter. This is something in my life that isn't consistent with what I desire for myself and my family. And because of that, my life feels out of balance. So, while Jeremy is off playing Israeli this summer, I plan on tackling the task of finding balance, as well as doing something that makes me smile. In the midst of organizing my office closet, I began another task (can you say, "Attention Deficit"?). I hope to take just one corner of my bedroom and do just a little something that will make me smile. I don't want to run out and buy a lot of stuff. I'll just use what I have (unless I find a fantastic garage sale) and treat myself to some inexpensive fresh flowers.
6 hours ago
I love my bedroom to be a haven when I walk in there at night to go to bed. I like to see pretty things, order, and a place to wind down after a usually very busy day. You can do it-- the rest of your home is beautiful!
Love, Mama
You know what makes me smile? The little green dot next to your name- that greets me when I sign onto GMAIL when I get to work. I say to myself, "Ah, it will be an easier day today!" Lol.
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