I was going to post some grandiose tribute to my mom. Included in that blueprint: the time she gave me a book called How you are Changing- to explain to me where babies come from. The times she clarified to me why teenage males crave the females of the world, how she held my hand when my highschool boyfriend and I broke up, and how she has walked thru life with me, just one step away- allowing me to become my own person but always supporting me and loving me through life's trials.
Now you see, I'm not sure I've been an easy daughter to have. I tend to be full of drama and have experienced things a parent probably never wants to see her child go through. Although I'm often a hott mess- my mom's love has been a steadfast current that has lifted me up above such trials.
I have to say that I'm blessed with the best mom in the world. She is my best friend, mentor, life line but most importantly- an example of what I want to be. The most important lesson she taught me was not where babies come from, nor was it lessons on dating- but it was the lessons she taught me about Jesus and His unconditional love for me. Those lessons- are what have stuck with me through out life. They are the lessons that help me during tough times. An example of a "living faith" is what my mom has provided me with. She is a Christian, not only in name, but in a lifestyle. Christ exudes her and she is an example of a Proverbs 31 woman. She always instilled in me that nothing is impossible with God and she showed me that personal time with God is very important. As I get older, our relationship has reached a new level of friendship that I cherish every day. She is always available for any questions or concerns I have about life or if I just need prayer for something. She is my prayer warrior. I am so grateful and blessed to have her in my life and I hope that I can be half the mom she is to my future kids. I love you Mama! Happy Mother's Day!
22 hours ago
Thank you sugar!! You have always been my miracle-- always will be. When the doctors said I couldn't have you, boy did I show them!!! I've loved you since before you were born. You have been my "drama child" haha, but you sure keep me smiling and laughing!! I love you!
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