Saturday, November 21, 2009


(Pandy hiding in shame because of her weight gain.)

I'm a bad mom.
Pandy, has apparently gained 3 pounds,
which is about 18% of her body weight. Poor girl.
She's on a diet.
I wonder if that is why she's had such horrific gas lately?
It will seriously clear you out of a room.
Her gas is the SBD kind (silent, but deadly).
I don't like to call Pandy "fat" because I think that is an ugly word.
She is "pretty plus "...
hopefully she doesn't get too pretty
or else her legs wont be able to support her.


Linda said...

Poor Pandy-- it was all that prednisone the vet had you on-- your mom will get it off. Just have to limit what you eat, which I know will be a hard thing for you. But, have to lose some pounds so you can have Christmas treats. ;-)
Love, Moppy