Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Picking Baby Names with no Baby.

I'm just gonna say it quickly. Jeremy and I are starting to get baby fever. Ok its out now. Comment as you like. Regardless, after over two-years of marriage and my treatments ending, we are inching towards the idea of adding to our family (I can see my Mom-in-Law jumping out of her chair as she reads this :) haha love u, Gloria!). Jeremy and I have talked about baby names and have raddled around with some we like (totally premature, I get it- but every girl KNOWS what they want to name their baby by the time they are like, 10-years old). Jeremy is Thomas Jeremiah, and his father is Thomas Rick... naturally a boy would be Thomas [insert middle name here]. We have a few middle names that we like and would probably not share them until the baby's birth just to be mean. And ok... for girl names, I love the name Sophie. I just think it is precious. I had a dream I named a little girl Sophie Berlynn... weird? Probably. But anyways, this is my announcement to the world that I have baby fever. And... you love it!


J9 said...

Haha love it! This is how it all starts... picking out the baby names. We started discussing names right after we got married, and we're still having trouble deciding.

Linda said...

I'm down the street for babysitting. :-)
Love, Mama

Meredith and Brian said...

You will be a teriffic mom when the day comes. And talking about names is half the fun

Sarah Allyson said...

We have baby name picked for 2 boys and 2 girls already and we have only be married for 8 months and NO BABIES on the horizon here! I, however, will not share our names because I already had one stolen by a friend!!! 1st and middle...grrrr!!!

love you :)

Courtney said...

Fun news! Baby fever never stops, either, even when you're done having children.