Saturday, June 19, 2010

Father's Day

Father's day is tomorrow, and this year I have the honor of "honoring" THREE great father's in my life.

1. My love, my best friend, the father of my child- my husband, Jeremy.
2. My dad, my hero, Matt- I love being a daddy's girl even though I'm quickly down-sliding to 30.
3. My super awesome father-in-law, Rick who could possibly be one of the nicest, most genuine guys I have ever met.

Aren't we lucky to have such awesome guys in our lives? Sparty and I were trying to find an available golf-course for dad to go play at, but as I tried to call and make tee-times- EVERYTHING was taken. Bummer... I only called a few courses, so may there is still hope. Tomorrow we plan on going to church and then maybe I'll make dad a nice breakfast.


Linda said...

You have been blessed with wonderful men in your life!!!
Love you, Mama